It is important for the school to work with parents in encouraging all children to attend school. All absences from school are required by law to be recorded. Absences will normally fall under two categories – authorised or unauthorised absence.

In cases where your child is unable to attend school parents are asked to:-

• if you know in advance of any reason why your child is likely to be absent from school, telephone us or let us know in writing. Please also give your child a note on his/her return to school, telling of the reason for absence;
• notify the school before 10am on the day of absence. Let the school know the likely date of return and keep them informed if the date changes;

 inform the school of any change to the following :-
 home telephone number
 mobile number
 emergency contact details.

• requests for your child to be absent from school to make an extended visit to relatives must be made in writing to the head teacher, detailing the reason, destination and duration of absence and arrangements for their continuing education. On these occasions the pupil will be marked as an authorised absentee in the register.

Should you fail to inform the school on the first day of your child’s absence, you or your emergency contact will be contacted by the school.

Family holidays during term time
Every effort should be made to ensure that your child attends school during term time. Please contact the school as soon as possible if your child is unable to attend school. Family holidays should be avoided during term time as this both disrupts the child’s education and reduces learning time. If holidays are taken during times when the school is open parents should inform the school in advance by letter.

If your child is taken on a family holiday during term time then in line with the Scottish Government Education Department advice this will be classified as an unauthorised absence. However, in exceptional circumstances schools may register a family holiday during term time as an authorised absence when for example, parents are unable to obtain leave during the school holiday period.
Clearly, absence with no explanation from parents will mean that the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.

In our approach to raising achievement it is recognised that attendance at school is something that should be continuously encouraged. Parents/carers children and the school all have a part to play in encouraging and stressing the importance of attendance at school.

The school holiday dates and in-service dates are available from the website

Information to proposed transfer of school
Children and young people may transfer school for a number of reasons such as families moving house, parental choice etc. If you are proposing a change of school for your child please provide as many contact details as possible in relation to the new school so that we can ensure a smooth transfer of information relating to your child.

Your Child Deserves The Very Best in Primary Education

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