Our homework guidelines have recently been updated following consultation with pupils, staff and parents.

Homework will usually be set from Monday to Thursday, suited to the needs of their children and as a reinforcement of the work within the class. The amount of homework increases with age. In the Infant stages this should only take about 15 minutes and increase throughout the school to approximately 30 minutes. Homework need not always take the form of a written task, it should be varied and incorporate such things as:
• reinforcement of leaving
• reading for pleasure or information
• research work related to the current class topic
• rote learning activities e.g. spelling, tables
• homework may be posted on Google Classroom

Where no written work has been given parents should use the time to talk with their children about school, to revise previous work or to encourage extended reading. This will help to develop within the child a good working habit and a firm attitude towards the future.

Your Child Deserves The Very Best in Primary Education

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